The Truth About The BNP
(originally posted April 16th at original blog site)
Something scary is happening in British politics: the British National Party (BNP) is gaining support.
The group recently gained a seat and is clearly luring voters who are fed up with the mainstream parties.
And with its catchy – albeit unoriginal – slogan ‘British jobs for British people’, it’s easy to see why the BNP appeals to the thousands who are livid over British companies awarding huge contacts to foreign firms.
Watch a BNP spokesman on TV and you’re likely to see an articulate, smartly dressed man; his hair, suit and indeed his language will be immaculate. He’ll dismiss any suggestion that the BNP discriminates against non Whites. As for links between the BNP and neo Nazi groups, all of which have been well documented by the media, well, ‘that’s ‘all in the past’, he’ll assure you earnestly.
And chances are, you’ll be tempted to believe him.
But here’s the thing: no matter how much the BNP has tried to whitewash – no pun intended – its past, the fact remains: BNP policies are racist and the BNP is a neo Nazi group.
Please, examine the evidence, and ask yourself if you really want people like this running the country. Britain fought the Nazis in WW2. To now support the BNP is a slap in the face to every single British soldier who lost his life battling the Germans.
BNP: Background
According to the BNP general election manifesto, “native Britons”, who they claim can only be white, would be given priority in the job market. “Non-whites” would instantly become second class citizens in Britain.
Any black person who commits a crime would also be thrown out of the country, even those who were born here.
Mixed race relationships would be outlawed.
The BNP constitution says that anyone who cannot prove a link to Britain before 1948 can never be considered British.
The BNP says:
“The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples.
It is therefore committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration.”
- BNP constitution
And despite their attempts to appear ‘non racist’, BNP leaders have continued to slip up and express their true views.
“All black people will be repatriated, even if they were born here”, BNP leader Nick Griffin told Wales on Sunday in 1996. “We must preserve the white race, because it has been responsible for all the good things in civilisation”.
Former National Organiser Richard Edmonds was convicted for his part in a vicious bottle attack on a mixed race couple in a pub in East London 1993
BNP supporter Stuart Kerr was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for firebombing an Asian shop in Chichester, Sussex
BNP leader Nick Griffin was convicted of incitement to racial hatred in April 1998. The magazine he edited, ‘Rune’, was full of hatred towards Jews, not to mention Holocaust Denial.
The BNP organiser for Waltham Forest, Alan Gould, was convicted of racially abusing people in a pub in 2000
Former BNP member David Copeland was sentenced to six life sentences after planting bombs in London. He wanted to start a ‘race war’.
The BNP has a nasty habit of glorifying racist attacks. In 1991, the BNP newspaper gloated after several BNP supporters stabbed an African immigrant at London Bridge station. The victim had his “kidney surgically removed “kidney surgically removed”, the paper boasted.
In the same year, the BNP leadership stirred up a racist riot in Bermondsey, London, and led an attack on an anti-racist meeting that was protesting against the BNP headquaters in Welling. Thirteen people required hospital treatment.
A BNP presence has almost always culminated in “race hate”. When Derek Beackon was elected as a BNP councillor in Millwall, racist attacks in the area soared by 300%
BNP and Holocaust Denial
BNP leader Nick Griffin has always tried to deny the Holocaust. Indeed, he actually condemned notorious Revisionist David Irving, British Holocaust denier, for daring to admit that ’some people might have died in the Holocaust.’
Specifically, Griffin wrote:
“True revisionists will not be fooled by this new twist to the sorry tale of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century”.Star witness as Harrow Crown Court on Griffin’s behalf was Robert Faurisson, the famous French Holocaust denier.
In the 1990s the BNP hosted a number of revisionism seminars that were addressed by some of the world’s most infamous Holocaust deniers. They included David Irving.
The BNP’s Criminal Activity
The ranks of the criminals extend to the very highest level of the party. They include:
Nick Griffin (Party Chairman) Received a two-year suspended sentence in April 1998 for inciting racial hatred. His magazine The Runecarried obscene anti-Semitic and Holocaust denial material as well as crude racism.
Tony Lecomber (Group Development Officer). In 1985 he was convicted on five counts for offences under the Explosives Act, including possession of homemade hand-grenades and electronic timing devices. Sentenced to three-years imprisonment.
In 1991 he was sentenced to another three years imprisonment for unlawful wounding for his part in an attack on a Jewish schoolteacher whom he caught trying to peel off a BNP sticker at an underground station. He has a total of 12 convictions.
Colin Smith (South East London organiser). Has amassed a total of 17 convictions for burglary, theft, stealing cars, possession of drugs and assaulting a police officer.
John Tyndall (founder of the BNP). Six convictions. In 1962 he was jailed for organising a paramilitary organisation. Four years later, he was again sent to prison for possession of a loaded gun. In 1986, he was convicted for incitement to racial hatred under the Public Order Act and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment.
Warren Bennett (Chief Steward). Supposed to keep order in the party yet has convictions for football hooliganism. In 1998, he was deported from France with over 50 other Scottish hooligans, including several BNP members.
Steve Belshaw (East Midlands BNP organiser. Was convicted in 1994 for assaulting a lawyer in his home-town of Mansfield. At the time, Belshaw combined his BNP membership with Combat 18 activity.
Kevin Scott (North East Regional Organiser). Was convicted in 1993 for hurling a glass at a black customer in a pub.
Alan Gould (Waltham Forest Organiser). Was convicted in 2000 for racially abusing people in a local pub. He told the court that it was the drink getting the better of him.
Robert Bennett. A leading activist in Oldham BNP during the 2002 elections campaign, Bennett has served five years in prison for the gang rape of a woman. He has also served seven years for armed robbery and has over 30 convictions in total.
Mick Treacy. The Oldham organiser has five convictions for violence, theft, and handling stolen goods.
Darren Dobson. Found guilty of racially aggravated assault at Oldham magistrates in November 2001. Fined £300. Connected to football hooligans in the Oldham area, and has links to the nazi terror group Combat 18
Darren Hoy. April 2002, the BNP supporter was sent to prison for 3 months for racially abusing people as they left an anti-fascist rally in Oldham.
And what does the BNP say when confronted with these facts?
When interviewed by the BBC Panorama team in September 2001 on the convictions of its leading members, party leader Nick Griffin just lied. He claimed Tony Lecomber, his deputy, merely had a conviction for handling fireworks. He also claimed that party chief steward Warren Bennett had a minor conviction “some 15 years ago” but had not been in trouble since. The truth is that Bennett has been named in the Scottish press for violence as recently as 2002. Griffin also tried to claim that Colin Smith had no convictions.
The BNP’s International Neo Nazi Links
The BNP is linked to some of the most extreme and fanatical nazi, fascist, and racist groups around. They include:
National Alliance, the foremost nazi group in the United States. NA speakers regularly address BNP meeting in the US and, in 1995, it founder and leader, William Pierce, spoke at the BNP annual rally in London. When Pierce died in the summer of 2002, the BNP posted an obituary on its website.
Pierce was the author of The Turner Diaries, the fictional account of a Race War. The book proved to be an inspiration for the Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, and the London nailbomber David Copeland.
David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux, is very close to Nick Griffin and the BNP. Griffin has regularly shared platforms with Duke and the American’s antisemitic and Holocaust denial material is sold through the BNP. Duke is currently living in Russia in a bid to avoid the US taxman.
National Democratic Party, Germany’s leading nazi group. NPD leaders deny the Holocaust took place and revere Adolf Hitler. The NPD shares many of its activists with the outlawed Blood and Honour skinhead movement. Griffin addressed a NPD rally in August 2002. NPD activists have attended BNP events in Britain.
Front National, the French fascist group led by Jean-Marie Le Pen. Le Pen was convicted for dismissing the Holocaust as a “mere detail” of the Second World War and for violence. BNP supporters are regular attendees at the FN’s annual summer festival and Griffin has publicly stated his admiration for the group. A member of the FN leadership addressed the 2002 BNP Red, White and Blue festival.
Holocaust deniers.
The BNP, and especially Nick Griffin, are close to many of the world’s leading Holocaust deniers. Robert Faurisson, one of the foremost Holocaust deniers, was a star witness at Griffin’s trial for racial hatred in 1998. The German Gunter Deckert, who has been to prison for denying the Holocaust, spoke at a London BNP meeting in 2001. Even the British Holocaust denier and antisemite, David Irving, has addressed BNP meetings.
American Renaissance. A far right US based publication that supports the notion of the biological superiority of white people. Each edition is packed with the theories of race-science, and grim statistics showing the moral degeneracy of black people. Griffin spoke at their annual conference in February 2002 on “Racial friction in Britain and Europe”.
Blood and Honour.
Blood and Honour is the openly nazi skinhead organisation in Britain. Many of its leaders are BNP members and Blood and Honour nazi bands have raised money for the BNP.
Speaking to a private nazi meeting in the US in 2001, Nick Griffin admitted that the party’s new-found respectability was simply a tactic to con the British people. “My politics have not changed,” he told the audience of racists and nazis. “I still believe in fighting for this,” he added, pointing to his white skin.
And here are some very recent incidents from the excellent ‘Hope Not Hate’ campaign, which is trying desperately to expose the BNP’s true colours. Visit their site here.
The wonderful Searchlight magazine is also working hard to expose the BNP. Check out Searchlight HERE
Check out this recent story from The Guardian:
A FRIGHTENED mum-of-two has been left too scared to leave her home after she was allegedly called a ‘n*****’ by a British National Party (BNP) canvasser during a racist tirade in front of her five year old son.
Shirlene Tobin, of Wanstead, has refused to leave her house since the incident – on Tuesday evening – during which she alleges the female BNP activist told her to ‘come to me because I don’t come to n*****s’ when she tried to hand back a political leaflet that was posted through her front door.
The 43 year-old – who works as a nurse at Whipps Cross University Hospital – called the police immediately after the alleged attack at about 7.30pm – which she said has left her fearing for her family’s safety.
She said: “I couldn’t believe what this woman said to me in the middle of the street in front of my son."
“I walked after her to try and give the leaflet back but got a load of racist abuse.
Original story here.
BNP deputy leader addresses international fascist rally
Home news
credit: HOPE not hate / Searchlight by Sonia Gable on: Sunday, 5 April 2009
The deputy leader of the British National Party has spoken at an international fascist rally alongside a man convicted of a terrorism offence and a convicted Holocaust denier.
Simon Darby claims he addressed a 400-strong audience in Milan today (5 April). Representatives of extreme-right parties in Germany, France, Romania, Hungary and Cyprus were expected to take part in the meeting.
Darby, who flew out to Italy this morning, heads the BNP’s European election candidates’ list for the West Midlands, a region in which the party could win a seat. He has a “Mr Clean” reputation in a party in which many leading activists have criminal convictions, a Nazi past or both.
The rally was titled: “Our Europe; Peoples and Traditions Against Banks and Big Powers”, a change from the original, “Our Europe; Peoples and Traditions Against Banks and Usury”. The term “usury” is traditionally used by Nazis against Jews and it may have been altered to avoid accusations of antisemitism.
BNP threatens prominent anti-fascist trade unionist
Home news
credit: Morning Star on: Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Source: Click here for original article
UNION activists condemned BNP threats against prominent anti-fascist and Merseyside TUC leader Alec McFadden on Tuesday.
Some 20 BNP thugs were reported to have delivered thousands of leaflets at the weekend to homes in the area in Liverpool where Mr McFadden lives, exhorting his neighbours to confront him for organising anti-nazi protests in the city.
The leaflet tries to hijack the current unofficial energy workers’ strikes by claiming that the workers’ demands in the dispute are the same as the BNP’s, and declares that Mr McFadden needs “coaching” to understand this.
Almost three years ago, Mr McFadden was stabbed on his doorstep in front of his daughter by a fascist thug and fellow union activists were quick to respond to the new threats.
North-west TUC chairman Steve Farley said that this “targeting and attempted intimidation” by the BNP “of committed trade unionists like Alec shows the true nature of this so-called political party.
“Union members will continue to oppose the BNP lies and will continue to reject their divisive and opportunist attempts to divide workers on the basis of nationality or race,” he declared.
National Union of Journalists Merseyside rep Mike Studley branded the nazi threat “an apalling act of political intimidation” and local Labour MP Angela Eagle has given Mr McFadden her support.
Mr McFadden courageously dismissed the fascists’ threats against him, but highlighted reports of BNP activists joining picket lines during the unofficial strikes to point out that unions should not be “complacent” about the nazis.
“The far-right is on the rise and they are attacking trade unionists because they know that we are organised and strong,” he stressed.
Also, from HOPE NOT HATE:
“This recently shot DVD reveals the true nature of the BNP – in their own words. It shows them behind closed doors when they think the public are not watching. It proves that they are still nazis.
The sign on the door says No Blacks. Inside, BNP members sing racist and pro-Nazi songs. They glorify the Holocaust, and call for blacks to be killed. They give nazi salutes as they chant the names of Hitler’s henchmen.
This is the real face of the BNP – the one that they try to hide from voters.
One of the people giving a Nazi salute is Scott McLean, who was until recently the deputy leader of the BNP. Another person present is Kenny Smith, who until the recent personal feud was the party’s Head of Administration.
When pressed about this video, the BNP dismissed it by claiming that the men were just messing around. It now emerges that Nick Griffin attended a similar event a few years before with many of the same people as in this video. Like now, he too gave a Nazi salute. No wonder he wasn’t keen to expel the Nazis in this video from the BNP.
The BNP say they have changed. This DVD proves they are the same Nazis they always were. “
To view the DVD, just click HERE
Still think the BNP may be the perfect party to rule Britain…?
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