Friday, 6 November 2009

Muslim Cleric 'Explains' That Everyone 'Hates Jews'

Ah... yet more love from the 'religion of peace'...!

An Egyptian cleric has cheerfully 'explained' to millions of Muslims that Jews are hated by everyone and everything. Apparently trees and animals also loathe Jews. Egyptian cleric Amin Al-Ansari made the claims two weeks ago that on Egypt's Al-Rahma satellite network.

"People hate (Jews). They don't like them. We are not talking only about people. The same goes even for trees and animals."

The program was translated from Arabic by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Al-Ansari stated:

"You know, there is rather peculiar footage, in which an Arab man who has a camel loves it and kisses it, and the camel kisses him back. Along comes a Jew and wants to kiss the camel, just like the Arab. What do you think the camel did? Let's watch."

The network then cut to what appeared to be staged footage of a man dressed in Arab garb kissing a camel while another man wearing a white yarmulke attempts to kiss the camel - prompting the animal to try to bite the 'jew'.

"Animals can sense things," explained Al-Ansari.

He continued:

"god has filled people's hearts with loathing for these Jews. Let's take a look at the field of sports. Let's see how the Jews are hated in the field of sports. They are abhorred. Let's take a look."

The Al-Rahma program cuts to footage of an English league soccer game showing a Chelsea player kicking the Israeli soccer player Yossi Benayoun, who plays for Liverpool.

Al-Ansari 'explains':
"Look at this Jew being kicked. People hate them. They don't like them,"

The cleric then goes on to quote Mohammed:

"The proof is that the Prophet Muhammad said that when Judgment Day draws near, the final war between the Muslims and the Jews will take place. The Prophet said that the Muslims would kill the Jews. 'Judgment Day will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them.'

He added, citing from a hadith, a collection of the sayings of Muhammad:

"The Muslims will kill the Jews. Be patient. All the trees and all the stones will say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him – except for the Gharqad tree.' Only one kind of tree will not call [the Muslims]. It is the Gharqad tree."

Hard to believe that Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, isn't it...? You'd never know it from the Egyptian news media, which includes government-run newspapers and television networks. They regularly feature anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda.

Islam. The religion with so much lurve.